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Shemini Aseret is a holiday following Sukkot and has a completely independent nature from the holiday of Sukkot. <ref> Gemara [[Rosh Hashana]] 4b and [[Sukkah]] 48a.<br />
==Eating and sleeping in the Sukkah==
Rashi (Vayikra 23:36) states that the reason for the eighth day, Shemini Atzeres, can be explained with the parable of a king who invited his children for several days of feasting. When the time came for them to leave, the king said, "Your departure is so difficult for me. Please stay with me for yet one more day." After seven days of Succot, God asks us to stay with Him for one more day </ref>
===Outside Israel===
==Prayer on Shemini Aseret==
# Outside Israel, on the eighth day of [[Sukkot]] (first day of Shemini Aseret), one should eat in the Sukkah without a Bracha of Leshev BaSukkah.<Ref>Rambam (Sukkah 6:13), Tur and S”A 668:1 write that one should eat in the Sukkah on the eighth day of [[Sukkot]] but not make a Bracha (based on Gemara [[Sukkot]] 47a). Kitzur S"A 138:4 agrees. </ref> There’s a minhag to be lenient regarding eating in the Sukkah on Shemini Aseret, however, one should not follow this unless one has accepted this practice from his parents or rabbis. <Ref> There’s an old minhag to be lenient not to eat in the Sukkah on Shemini Aseret from the time of Rashi recorded in Sefer HaPardes, Machzor Vitri (Siman 284), and Maharil (Hilchot lulav) (see Natai Gavreil (Arba Minim) Sh”t 4). The Piskei Teshuvot 668:1 brings in the name of the achronim that there’s room to be lenient since the Korban Netanel writes that the entire establishment of sitting in the Sukkah on the eighth day is based on the assumption that it’s comfortable and beloved to a person, however, if it’s cold or wind is present then one shouldn’t sit in the Sukkah. However, the Piskei Teshuvot concludes that one must be stringent based on the Sh”t Divrei Israel 1:200 that one shouldn't follow this minhag unless one has a tradition for it and it’s not comfortable outside. Aruch HaShulchan 668:3 writes that the gedolim have criticized those who just eat Kiddish in the Sukkah and then eat a meal inside. Mishna Brurah 668:5 also seems to hold that regarding eating one shouldn’t change from the ruling of S”A (which is based on an explicit gemara). Chazon Ovadyah (Sukkot pg 479) also rules like Shulchan Aruch.</ref>
# It is customary to recite Tehillim 12 which begins "Lamnatzeach al hashiminit" on the night of Shemini Aseret. <ref> Chazon Ovadia [[Sukkot]] p 451 </ref>
# Regarding sleeping in the Sukkah on the eighth day of [[Sukkot]] (Shemini Aseret), there’s a dispute in the achronim. The Ashkenazim minhag is not to sleep in the Sukkah, while Sephardim hold that one must sleep in the Sukkah. <Ref> Darkei Moshe 668:2 writes that there’s room to be lenient regarding sleeping outside the Sukkah. Kitzur S"A 138:5 writes that while the minhag is to be lenient about sleeping in the sukkah, it's proper to be strict. Mishna Brurah 668:6 brings the opinion of the Gra who holds that one must sleep in the Sukkah on the eighth day but concludes that the minhag is to be lenient not to sleep in the Sukkah. However, the Bet Yosef 668 writes that sleeping is no different than eating in the Sukkah. Therefore, Chazon Ovadyah [[Sukkot]] (pg 479) rules that Sephardim must sleep in the Sukkah like any other night of [[Sukkot]]. </ref>
# Because Shemini Aseret is a separate holiday, if during the Shemini Aseret [[prayers]], a person mistakenly said in the "ata bichartanu" section "et yom chag hasukkot hazeh" instead of "et yom shemini chag aseret zeh", and did not realize his error until the middle of the beracha of "ritzeh", or even after "sim shalom", or even in the middle of "elokay netzor", one must return to "ata bichartanu" and correct one's mistake. <ref> Chazon Ovadia [[Sukkot]] 451-454 </ref>  If one finished the amidah and stepped back, one must return to the beginning of the amidah and start over. <ref> Chazon Ovadia [[Sukkot]] 451-454 </ref>
# If one is unsure as to whether he said the correct version of the amida, one should ideally stipulate the following: "if I am obligated to repeat the amidah over again, then that is the purpose of my repeating Shemoneh Esrai.  And if I am not obligated to, then this repetition of the amidah should be considered a "voluntary [[prayer]]". 
# It makes no difference for our purposes if one actually knew it was Shemini Aseret and just mistakenly said the wrong words, or if the cause of his error was that he did not know that it was Shemini Aseret.  In all of these cases if he did not mention Shemini Aseret correctly, he must repeat the amidah. <ref> Chazon Ovadia [[Sukkot]] 451-454. See there where Hacham Ovadia quotes many who agree with him, including Maran Hachida, Rav Chaim Palaggi, Ma'amar Mordechai, Maharsham in the name of Rav Akiva Eiger, S'deh Chemed, Shoel Umeshiv, and Rav Moshe Feinstein.  Rav Ovadia also cites those who disagree, among them the Kaf Hachaim Sofer, Chayeh Adam, Bet Yehudah Ayash, Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, and the Tzitz Eliezer.  It seems from R' Ovadia's presentation that majority of the Acharonim say like R' Ovadia, and this would be the proper practice for both Sephardim and Ashkenazim. </ref>
===Torah Reading===
# On Shemini Aseret, if one is outside Israel, the Torah reading, according to Sephardim, is Kol HaBechor in Parshat Reah. If Shemini Aseret falls out on [[Shabbat]], the Torah reading begins from Asar Taaser.<ref>The Gemara (Megillah 31a) writes that the Torah reading for Shemini Aseret is Kol HaBechor. Shulchan Aruch O.C. 668:1 codifies this halacha. Kaf HaChaim 668:17 explains that we read Kol HaBechor because it includes a hidden reference to Shemini Aseret in the words "VeHayita Ach Samech", which Chazal (Succah 48a) explain to mean that Shemini Aseret is included in the Simcha of [[Sukkot]]. </ref> Ashkenazim always start with Asar Taaser.<ref>Mishna Brurah 668:12</ref>
==Lulav and Etrog==
# We do not take the 4 minim on Shemini Atzeret.<ref> Gemara Sukkah 47a. Tosafot d"h Maitav explain that the eighth day of Sukkot differs from the eighth day of Pesach in that the eighth day of Sukkot is Shemini Atzeret, which is a Yom Tov that regarding a number of matters enjoys a separate and distinct identity from Sukkot.  Were we to observe the Mitzvot of the seventh day of Sukkot on Shemini Atzeret, we would undermine the integrity of Shemini Atzeret.  We do not take the Lulav on Shemini Atzeret, because the Lulav is ordinarily Muktza.  Thus, taking the Lulav on Shemini Atzeret would make a blatant statement of concern that it is actually the seventh day of Sukkot. The Kesef Mishneh (commenting on Rambam Hilchot Sukkah 6:13) offers a different explanation for why we do not take a Lulav on Shemini Atzeret.  He notes that it is only a rabbinical obligation to take the Lulav on the seventh day of Sukkot.  According to Torah law, we are obligated to take the Lulav on the first day of Sukkot if one is outside of the Bait Hamikdash, and seven days if one is inside the Bait Hamikdash (see Vayikra 23:40 and Sukkah 41a). The Kesef Mishna argues that the obligations of Yom Tov Sheni do not apply to Lulav because the obligation is only rabbinic in nature.  </ref>
==Eating and Sleeping in the Sukkah==
===Outside Israel on Shemina Aseret===
# If one is outside of Israel on Shemini Aseret, then should eat in the [[Sukkah]] without reciting the Bracha of Leshev BaSukkah.<ref>Rambam ([[Sukkah]] 6:13), Tur and Shulchan Aruch O.C. 668:1 write that one should eat in the [[Sukkah]] on the eighth day of [[Sukkot]] but not make a Bracha. Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 138:4, Shu"t Yechave Daat 2:76 agree. This is based on the Gemara (Sukkah 47a) which presents a debate among the Amoraim regarding how residents of the Galut should conduct themselves in relation to Sukkah on Shemini Atzeret. The Gemara concludes that the proper practice is to sit in the Sukkah on Shemini Atzeret but omit the Beracha. The Gemara indicates that we do not take the Lulav on Shemini Atzeret. Tosafot 47a s.v. maitav explain that reciting the Beracha would undermine the status of Shemini Atzeret by blatantly demonstrating that we are concerned perhaps the day is not truly Shemini Atzeret.  <br />Even though the pasuk in Parashat Emor (Leviticus 23:42) states בסוכות תשבו שבעת ימים, meaning you shall dwell in sukkot for seven days, we sit in the sukkah out of the doubt that it may be the 7th day of sukkot which would require sitting in a sukkah.
</ref> There’s a minhag to be lenient regarding [[eating in the Sukkah]] on Shemini Aseret.  However, one should not follow this unless he has accepted this practice from his parents or rabbis. <ref> There’s an old minhag from the time of Rashi (11th century) to be lenient not to eat in the [[Sukkah]] on Shemini Aseret.  This minhag is recorded in Sefer HaPardes, Machzor Vitri (Siman 284), and Maharil (Hilchot [[lulav]])(See Nitei Gavriel (Arba Minim) Sh”t 4). The Piskei Teshuvot 668:1 quotes in the name of the achronim that there’s room to be lenient since the Korban Netanel writes that the entire establishment of [[sitting in the Sukkah]] on the eighth day is based on the assumption that it’s comfortable and beloved to a person.  However, if it’s cold or windy then one shouldn’t sit in the [[Sukkah]].
*See [ Meshiv Tzedek] by Rav Tzadok Hakohen of Lublin who wrote a complete pamphlet defending this practice of not sitting in the Sukkah.
*However, the Piskei Teshuvot concludes that one must be stringent based on the Sh”t Divrei Israel (1:200) that one shouldn't follow this minhag unless one has a tradition for it and it’s not comfortable outside.
*Aruch HaShulchan 668:3 writes that the gedolim have criticized those who just eat [[Kiddish]] in the [[Sukkah]] and then eat a meal inside. Mishna Brurah 668:5 also seems to hold that one shouldn’t deviate from the ruling of Shulchan Aruch (which is based on an explicit Gemara on Succah 47a). Chacham Ovadia Yosef (Shu"t Yechave Daat 2:76 and Chazon Ovadyah ([[Sukkot]] pg 479)) also rules like Shulchan Aruch, as does Ben Ish Chai Vizot Haberacha: Halacha 13. </ref>
# Regarding [[sleeping in the Sukkah]] on the eighth day of [[Sukkot]] (Shemini Aseret), there’s a dispute in the achronim. The minhag of the Ashkenazim is not to sleep in the [[Sukkah]], while Sephardim hold that one must sleep in the [[Sukkah]]. <ref> Darkei Moshe 668:2 writes that there’s room to be lenient regarding sleeping outside the [[Sukkah]]. Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 138:5 writes that while the minhag is to be lenient about sleeping in the [[sukkah]], it's proper to be strict. Mishna Brurah 668:6 quotes the opinion of the Gra who holds that one must sleep in the [[Sukkah]] on the eighth day, but concludes that the minhag is to be lenient and not to sleep in the [[Sukkah]]. However, the Bet Yosef 668 writes that sleeping is no different than [[eating in the Sukkah]]. Therefore, Chazon Ovadyah [[Sukkot]] (pg 479) and Ben Ish Chai (Vizot Haberacha: Halacha 13) rule that Sephardim must sleep in the [[Sukkah]] like any other night of [[Sukkot]]. </ref>
===Outside Israel on Simchat Torah===
# On Simchat Torah in the diaspora, one should not eat or sleep in the Sukkah.  If one does so, then it appears like he is extending the mitzvah of Sukkah beyond the holiday of Sukkot, which is a violation of [[Baal Tosif]]. 
# If one wants to eat in the Sukkah, one should first put his cooking pots in the Sukkah to indicate that he isn't using the Sukkah for the mitzvah.<ref>Shulchan Aruch O.C. 666:1</ref> Some say this solution doesn't work today, because our pots aren't so disgusting and it isn't recognizable that he's not trying to sit in the Sukkah.<ref>[ Rav Hershel Schachter (Teshuva #56)]</ref> Alternatively, some poskim hold that one may cover the schach with a tarp which was attached from before Yom Tov (such as a shlok).<ref>Piskei Teshuvot 666:1, [ Rav Hershel Schachter (Teshuva #56)]</ref>
# If a woman wants to sit in the Sukkah on Simchat Torah, she may not do so unless there is some indication that she isn't doing so for the mitzvah<ref>Or Yitzchak 2:242 unlike Sh"t Torah Lishma</ref>
# Some say that it is permitted to sit in the Sukkah in the afternoon of Simchat Torah once one already ate outside the Sukkah at night and for lunch.<ref>Ben Ish Chai (Vezot Habracha n. 16), Otzar Halachot 666:6</ref>
# Having intent not to fulfill the mitzvah of sitting in the Sukkah does not permit sitting in the Sukkah on Simchat Torah.<ref>Mishna Brurah 666:5 explains that when a person sits in the Sukkah on Simchat Torah, even though he doesn't violate baal tosif m'deoraysa unless he intends to fulfill the mitzvah of Sukkah  it's still rabbinically forbidden to sit there because it '''appears''' like he is adding onto the mitzvah. Igrot Moshe YD 2:141:1 is also clear about this point. R' Moshe adds that if he intends to fulfill the mitzvah of Sukkah, then he violates baal tosif, even though he made a heker (something recognizable that he isn't doing it for the mitzvah). Thus, in order to avoid baal tosif, one needs to intend not to fulfill the mitzvah, as well as make a heker.  </ref>
===An American in Israel===
===An American in Israel===
# A Jew from outside Israel who is visiting Israel for [[Sukkot]] should not eat in the [[Sukkah]] if it’s difficult to sit alone in the [[Sukkah]]. <Ref> Nitai Gavriel (Hilchot Arbah Minim Sh”t 8), Sh”t Minchat Yitzchak 9:54, [[Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach]] in Sh”t Minchat Shlomo 1:19, [[Rabbi Ovadyah Yosef]] in Chazon Ovadyah Sukkot (pg 480-1) and Shu"t Yechave Daat 2:76, Ot Hei LeOlam (vol 2 pg 87c; quoted by Sdei Chemed [[Sukkah]] 1)</ref> However, if he is alone anyway, such as if he’s in a hotel, Sephardim hold that he should eat in the [[Sukkah]], while Ashkenazim hold that in Israel one doesn't sit in the [[Sukkah]] on Shemini Aseret. <Ref> Chacham Ovadia Yosef (Chazon Ovadyah [[Sukkot]] (pg 480-1) and Shu"t Yechave Daat 2:76) writes explicitly that if it’s not difficult to eat in the [[Sukkah]] such as one is staying by himself then he should sit in the [[Sukkah]]. However, Sh”t Minchat Shlomo 1:19 exempts such a person in all circumstances. So writes the Piskei Teshuvot 668:2 in name of Sh”t Minchat Yitzchak and Sh”t Minchat Shlomo. </ref>
# A Jew from outside Israel who is visiting Israel for [[Sukkot]] should not eat in the Sukkah if it’s difficult to sit alone in the Sukkah. <Ref> Natai Gavriel (Hilchot Arbah Minim Sh”t 8), Sh”t Minchat Yitzchak 9:54, Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach in Sh”t Minchat Shlomo 1:19, Rabbi Ovadyah Yosef in Chazon Ovadyah [[Sukkot]] (pg 480-1), Ot Hei LeOlam (vol 2 pg 87c; quoted by Sdei Chemed Sukkah 1)</ref> However, if he is alone anyway, such as if he’s in a hotel, Sephardim holds that he should eat in the Sukkah, while Ashkenazim hold that in Israel one doesn't sit in the Sukkah on Shemini Aseret. <Ref> Chazon Ovadyah [[Sukkot]] (pg 480-1) writes explicitly that if it’s not difficult to eat in the Sukkah such as one is staying by himself then he should sit in the Sukkah. However, Sh”t Minchat Shlomo 1:19 exempts such a person in all circumstances. So writes the Piskei Teshuvot 668:2 in name of Sh”t Minchat Yitzchak and Sh”t Minchat Shlomo. </ref>
===In Israel===
===In Israel===
# In Israel, one does not eat or sleep in the [[Sukkah]] on Shemini Aseret. <ref>Shulchan Aruch 666:1, nitei Gavriel ([[Sukkot]] 81:4) </ref>
# In Israel one does not eat or sleep in the Sukkah on Shemini Aseret (as it is no longer [[Sukkot]]). <ref>S"A 666:1, Natai Gavriel (Sukkot 81:4) </ref>
# In Israel, if one must eat or sleep in a [[Sukkah]] on Shemini Aseret, as there’s no room inside, then one should remove 4x4 [[Tefachim]] of [[S'chach]] to show that one doesn’t intend to add to the mitzvah ([[Baal Tosif]]).<ref>Shulchan Aruch 666:1. Mishna Brurah 666:5 explains that past the time of the Mitzvah (such as in this case that's it after Sukkot) there’s no real [[Bal Tosif]] m'deorayta unless one intends to add to the mitzvah. However, there is an issue of '''appearing''' like adding to the mitzvah. Nitei Gavriel 81:4 writes simply that the same needs to be done if one needs to sleep in the [[Sukkah]] on Shemini Aseret. See also ['kosher'_a_Sukkah_for_Simchas_Torah Simchas Torah-How to 'kosher' a Sukkah for Simchas Torah] by Rabbi Zvi Sobolofsky</ref> Alternatively, one can put a tarp on top of or below an area of 4x4 [[Tefachim]] of [[S'chach]], as long as the tarp is within 3 [[Tefachim]] of the [[S'chach]].<ref> Piskei Teshuvot 666:1 quotes the Bikurei Yacov 666:5 who says that using 4x4 invalid [[S'chach]] isn't sufficient, and notes that the Bigdei Yesha disagrees and permits it.  Piskei Teshuvot then adds that even the Bikurei Yacov agrees that putting a tarp of 4x4 [[Tefachim]] on top or below the shach within 3 [[Tefachim]] of the [[S'chach]] is sufficient. </ref>
# In Israel, if one must eat or sleep in a Sukkah on Shemini Aseret as there’s no room inside, then one should remove 4x4 [[Tefachim]] of S'chach to show that one doesn’t intend to add to the mitzvah (Baal Tosif). <Ref>S”A 666:1 writes that in Israel, if one must eat or sleep in a Sukkah on Shemini Aseret as there’s no room inside, then one should remove 4x4 [[Tefachim]] of S'chach to show that one doesn’t intend to add to the mitzvah (Baal Tosif). Mishna Brurah 666:5 explains that there’s no real Bal Tosif since one doesn’t violate Bal Tosif unless one intends to add to the mitzvah while it isn't the time of the mitzvah, however, there is an issue of appearing like adding to the mitzvah which is only applicable on Shemini Aseret. Natai Gavriel 81:4 writes simply that same needs to be done if one needs to sleep in the Sukkah on Shemini Aseret.</ref>
# It’s permissible to eat in the [[Sukkah]] after Shemini Aseret and it’s not an issue of [[Bal Tosif]].<ref> Rama 666:1.  Rama writes that the reason it's permitted is because it’s clear that one isn’t [[sitting in the Sukkah]] to fulfill the mitzvah when he sits in it after [[Sukkot]].  However, it would be an issue on Shemini Aseret because it’s too close to the holiday. </ref>
# An alternative to removing S'chach is to put a tarp on top or below 4x4 [[Tefachim]] of S'chach as long as the tarp is within 3 [[Tefachim]] of the S'chach. <ref>Piskei Teshuvot Piskei Teshuvot 666:1 quotes the Bikurei Yacov 666:5 who says that using 4x4 invalid S'chach isn't sufficient against the Bigdei Yesha who permits but then adds that even the Bikurei Yacov agrees that putting a tarp 4x4 [[Tefachim]] on top or below the shach within 3 [[Tefachim]] of the S'chach is sufficient. </ref>
# It’s permissible to eat or sleep in the [[Sukkah]] before [[Sukkot]] (erev [[Sukkot]]) and it’s not an issue of [[Bal Tosif]].<ref> Chazon Ovadyah pg 481 holds that’s there no issue of [[Bal Tosif]] before a mitzvah is performed. Interestingly, Piskei Teshuvot 666:1 raises this issue (and also writes that it’s strange that no one addresses this issue) and rules leniently as wekk.  He adds that it’s preferable to eat a meal or a snack ([[KeBaytzah]] of [[mezonot]]) outside the [[Sukkah]] after [[eating in the Sukkah]] to demonstrate that one doesn't intend to add to the mitzvah.   </ref>
# It’s permissible to eat in the Sukkah after Shemini Aseret and it’s not an issue of Bal Tosif. <Ref> Rama 666:1 writes that it’s clear that one isn’t sitting in the Sukkah to fulfill the mitzvah after [[Sukkot]] and so there’s no issue of Bal Tosif, however it would be an issue on Shemini Aseret because it’s so close to the holiday. </ref>
# It’s permissible to eat or sleep in the Sukkah before [[Sukkot]] (erev [[Sukkot]]) and it’s not an issue of Bal Tosif. <Ref> Chazon Ovadyah pg 481 holds that’s there no issue of Bal Tosif before the mitzvah was done. Interestingly, Piskei Teshuvot 666:1 raises this issue (writes that it’s strange that no one addresses this issue) and concludes leniently and adds that it’s preferable to eat a meal or snack ([[KeBaytzah]] of mezonot) outside the Sukkah after eating in the Sukkah to show that one clearly doesn’t want to add to the mitzvah. </ref>
==Nighttime Meal==
==Nighttime meal==
# Many poskim say that one shouldn't start the meal until it is certainly nightfall (i.e. [[Tzet HaKochavim]]). If one did start the meal before nightfall, and one is eating in the Sukkah, then he should not make the bracha of Leshev BaSukkah. <ref>Magen Avraham (668:3) quotes the Maharshal who writes that one shouldn't make [[Kiddish]] on Shemini Aseret until nightfall, in order to avoid a situation where there is a doubt if one should make the bracha of Leshev BeSukkah. Many achronim agree (Levush 668:1, Chaye Adam 153:5, Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 138:4, Aruch HaShulchan 668:6, Kaf HaChaim 668:10, Mishna Brurah 668:7, Nitei Gavriel 85:4, and Chazon Ovadyah p. 669). Chazon Ovadyah writes that there is even more reason to be strict about this in Israel.  
# Many poskim say that one shouldn't start the meal until it is certainly nightfall (i.e. [[Tzet HaKochavim]]). However, after the fact, if one did start the meal before one should not make the bracha of Leshev BaSukkah if one is eating in the Sukkah. <ref>Magan Avraham 668:3 quotes the Maharshal who writes that one shouldn't make Kiddish on Shemini Aseret until it is nightfall so as not to enter into a situation where there is a doubt if one will be able to make the bracha of Leshev BeSukkah. Many achronim including the Levush 668:1, Chaye Adam 153:5, Kitzur S"A 138:4, Aruch HaShulchan 668:6, Kaf HaChaim 668:10, Mishna Brurah 668:7, Nitai Gavriel 85:4, and Chazon Ovadyah (p. 669) agree. Chazon Ovadyah writes that there is even more reason for this law in Israel. [The term that the Magen Avraham uses, "Ad SheTechshach" in context clearly means certain nighttime which is after [[Tzet HaKochavim]]. This term is also used in the Mishna (pesachim 99b) and there the Mishna Brurah 472:5 explains it to mean Tzet HaCochavim.]</ref>
# Similarly, one should not make [[Kiddush]] on the night of Simchat Torah before certain nightfall (i.e. [[Tzet HaCochavim]]). <Ref>Kaf HaChaim 668:10 quoting Ben Ish Chai (Vezot HaBrachot #13), Nitai Gavriel 92:2 </ref>
[The term that the Magen Avraham uses, "Ad SheTechshach" in context clearly means certain nighttime which is after [[Tzet HaKochavim]]. This term is also used in the Mishna (Pesachim 99b) and there the Mishna Brurah 472:5 explains it to mean [[Tzet HaCochavim]].]</ref> Similarly, one should not make [[Kiddush]] on the night of [[Simchat Torah]] before certain nightfall (i.e. [[Tzet HaCochavim]]). <ref>Kaf HaChaim 668:10 quoting Ben Ish Chai (Vezot HaBrachot #13), Nitei Gavriel 92:2 </ref>
# Because Shemini Aseret is an independent holiday, the beracha of [[Shehecheyanu]] must be recited at [[kiddush]]. <ref> Chazon Ovadia [[Sukkot]] p 451 quoting Masechet Sofrim.  See Succah 48a with Rashi's comments.  </ref>
# If someone mistakenly said the [[kiddush]] for [[Sukkot]] instead of the [[kiddush]] for Shemini Aseret, he must return and repeat the [[kiddush]]. <ref> Chazon Ovadia [[Sukkot]] 451-454 </ref>

==Torah Reading==
* [ Sitting in Sukkah on Shemini Atzeres] by Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz
# On Shemini Aseret outside Israel the Torah reading is Kol Bechor in Parshat Reah. If Shemini Aseret falls out on Shabbat, the torah reading begins from Asar Taaser. <ref>The gemara Megillah 31a writes that the torah reading for Shemini Aseret is Kol Bechor. S"A 668:1 codifies this halacha. Kaf HaChaim 668:17 explains that we read Kol Bechor because it includes a hidden reference to Shemini Aseret in the words VeHayita Ach Samech which chazal explain to mean that Shemini Aseret is included in the Simcha of [[Sukkot]]. </ref>

Revision as of 20:07, 17 September 2013

Eating and sleeping in the Sukkah

Outside Israel

  1. Outside Israel, on the eighth day of Sukkot (first day of Shemini Aseret), one should eat in the Sukkah without a Bracha of Leshev BaSukkah.[1] There’s a minhag to be lenient regarding eating in the Sukkah on Shemini Aseret, however, one should not follow this unless one has accepted this practice from his parents or rabbis. [2]
  2. Regarding sleeping in the Sukkah on the eighth day of Sukkot (Shemini Aseret), there’s a dispute in the achronim. The Ashkenazim minhag is not to sleep in the Sukkah, while Sephardim hold that one must sleep in the Sukkah. [3]

An American in Israel

  1. A Jew from outside Israel who is visiting Israel for Sukkot should not eat in the Sukkah if it’s difficult to sit alone in the Sukkah. [4] However, if he is alone anyway, such as if he’s in a hotel, Sephardim holds that he should eat in the Sukkah, while Ashkenazim hold that in Israel one doesn't sit in the Sukkah on Shemini Aseret. [5]

In Israel

  1. In Israel one does not eat or sleep in the Sukkah on Shemini Aseret (as it is no longer Sukkot). [6]
  2. In Israel, if one must eat or sleep in a Sukkah on Shemini Aseret as there’s no room inside, then one should remove 4x4 Tefachim of S'chach to show that one doesn’t intend to add to the mitzvah (Baal Tosif). [7]
  3. An alternative to removing S'chach is to put a tarp on top or below 4x4 Tefachim of S'chach as long as the tarp is within 3 Tefachim of the S'chach. [8]
  4. It’s permissible to eat in the Sukkah after Shemini Aseret and it’s not an issue of Bal Tosif. [9]
  5. It’s permissible to eat or sleep in the Sukkah before Sukkot (erev Sukkot) and it’s not an issue of Bal Tosif. [10]

Nighttime meal

  1. Many poskim say that one shouldn't start the meal until it is certainly nightfall (i.e. Tzet HaKochavim). However, after the fact, if one did start the meal before one should not make the bracha of Leshev BaSukkah if one is eating in the Sukkah. [11]
  2. Similarly, one should not make Kiddush on the night of Simchat Torah before certain nightfall (i.e. Tzet HaCochavim). [12]

Torah Reading

  1. On Shemini Aseret outside Israel the Torah reading is Kol Bechor in Parshat Reah. If Shemini Aseret falls out on Shabbat, the torah reading begins from Asar Taaser. [13]


  1. Rambam (Sukkah 6:13), Tur and S”A 668:1 write that one should eat in the Sukkah on the eighth day of Sukkot but not make a Bracha (based on Gemara Sukkot 47a). Kitzur S"A 138:4 agrees.
  2. There’s an old minhag to be lenient not to eat in the Sukkah on Shemini Aseret from the time of Rashi recorded in Sefer HaPardes, Machzor Vitri (Siman 284), and Maharil (Hilchot lulav) (see Natai Gavreil (Arba Minim) Sh”t 4). The Piskei Teshuvot 668:1 brings in the name of the achronim that there’s room to be lenient since the Korban Netanel writes that the entire establishment of sitting in the Sukkah on the eighth day is based on the assumption that it’s comfortable and beloved to a person, however, if it’s cold or wind is present then one shouldn’t sit in the Sukkah. However, the Piskei Teshuvot concludes that one must be stringent based on the Sh”t Divrei Israel 1:200 that one shouldn't follow this minhag unless one has a tradition for it and it’s not comfortable outside. Aruch HaShulchan 668:3 writes that the gedolim have criticized those who just eat Kiddish in the Sukkah and then eat a meal inside. Mishna Brurah 668:5 also seems to hold that regarding eating one shouldn’t change from the ruling of S”A (which is based on an explicit gemara). Chazon Ovadyah (Sukkot pg 479) also rules like Shulchan Aruch.
  3. Darkei Moshe 668:2 writes that there’s room to be lenient regarding sleeping outside the Sukkah. Kitzur S"A 138:5 writes that while the minhag is to be lenient about sleeping in the sukkah, it's proper to be strict. Mishna Brurah 668:6 brings the opinion of the Gra who holds that one must sleep in the Sukkah on the eighth day but concludes that the minhag is to be lenient not to sleep in the Sukkah. However, the Bet Yosef 668 writes that sleeping is no different than eating in the Sukkah. Therefore, Chazon Ovadyah Sukkot (pg 479) rules that Sephardim must sleep in the Sukkah like any other night of Sukkot.
  4. Natai Gavriel (Hilchot Arbah Minim Sh”t 8), Sh”t Minchat Yitzchak 9:54, Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach in Sh”t Minchat Shlomo 1:19, Rabbi Ovadyah Yosef in Chazon Ovadyah Sukkot (pg 480-1), Ot Hei LeOlam (vol 2 pg 87c; quoted by Sdei Chemed Sukkah 1)
  5. Chazon Ovadyah Sukkot (pg 480-1) writes explicitly that if it’s not difficult to eat in the Sukkah such as one is staying by himself then he should sit in the Sukkah. However, Sh”t Minchat Shlomo 1:19 exempts such a person in all circumstances. So writes the Piskei Teshuvot 668:2 in name of Sh”t Minchat Yitzchak and Sh”t Minchat Shlomo.
  6. S"A 666:1, Natai Gavriel (Sukkot 81:4)
  7. S”A 666:1 writes that in Israel, if one must eat or sleep in a Sukkah on Shemini Aseret as there’s no room inside, then one should remove 4x4 Tefachim of S'chach to show that one doesn’t intend to add to the mitzvah (Baal Tosif). Mishna Brurah 666:5 explains that there’s no real Bal Tosif since one doesn’t violate Bal Tosif unless one intends to add to the mitzvah while it isn't the time of the mitzvah, however, there is an issue of appearing like adding to the mitzvah which is only applicable on Shemini Aseret. Natai Gavriel 81:4 writes simply that same needs to be done if one needs to sleep in the Sukkah on Shemini Aseret.
  8. Piskei Teshuvot Piskei Teshuvot 666:1 quotes the Bikurei Yacov 666:5 who says that using 4x4 invalid S'chach isn't sufficient against the Bigdei Yesha who permits but then adds that even the Bikurei Yacov agrees that putting a tarp 4x4 Tefachim on top or below the shach within 3 Tefachim of the S'chach is sufficient.
  9. Rama 666:1 writes that it’s clear that one isn’t sitting in the Sukkah to fulfill the mitzvah after Sukkot and so there’s no issue of Bal Tosif, however it would be an issue on Shemini Aseret because it’s so close to the holiday.
  10. Chazon Ovadyah pg 481 holds that’s there no issue of Bal Tosif before the mitzvah was done. Interestingly, Piskei Teshuvot 666:1 raises this issue (writes that it’s strange that no one addresses this issue) and concludes leniently and adds that it’s preferable to eat a meal or snack (KeBaytzah of mezonot) outside the Sukkah after eating in the Sukkah to show that one clearly doesn’t want to add to the mitzvah.
  11. Magan Avraham 668:3 quotes the Maharshal who writes that one shouldn't make Kiddish on Shemini Aseret until it is nightfall so as not to enter into a situation where there is a doubt if one will be able to make the bracha of Leshev BeSukkah. Many achronim including the Levush 668:1, Chaye Adam 153:5, Kitzur S"A 138:4, Aruch HaShulchan 668:6, Kaf HaChaim 668:10, Mishna Brurah 668:7, Nitai Gavriel 85:4, and Chazon Ovadyah (p. 669) agree. Chazon Ovadyah writes that there is even more reason for this law in Israel. [The term that the Magen Avraham uses, "Ad SheTechshach" in context clearly means certain nighttime which is after Tzet HaKochavim. This term is also used in the Mishna (pesachim 99b) and there the Mishna Brurah 472:5 explains it to mean Tzet HaCochavim.]
  12. Kaf HaChaim 668:10 quoting Ben Ish Chai (Vezot HaBrachot #13), Nitai Gavriel 92:2
  13. The gemara Megillah 31a writes that the torah reading for Shemini Aseret is Kol Bechor. S"A 668:1 codifies this halacha. Kaf HaChaim 668:17 explains that we read Kol Bechor because it includes a hidden reference to Shemini Aseret in the words VeHayita Ach Samech which chazal explain to mean that Shemini Aseret is included in the Simcha of Sukkot.