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#If the Bet Din doesn’t tell the prospective convert about the mitzvot, the conversion is nonetheless valid if he accepted to keep the mitzvot when he’ll learn about them.<ref>Nemukei Yosef (Yevamot 16a s.v. tanu), Bet Yosef YD 268:2, Shach 268:3, Chemdat Shlomo 1:29, Igrot Moshe YD 1:159</ref>
#If the Bet Din doesn’t tell the prospective convert about the mitzvot, the conversion is nonetheless valid if he accepted to keep the mitzvot when he’ll learn about them.<ref>Nemukei Yosef (Yevamot 16a s.v. tanu), Bet Yosef YD 268:2, Shach 268:3, Chemdat Shlomo 1:29, Igrot Moshe YD 1:159</ref>
==Non-Jew Mixed into Family==
==Non-Jew Mixed into Family==
#Many poskim hold that if an invalid conversion was done and the non-Jew married into a Jewish family and generations later it is unknown, nonetheless, that is a serious issue and needs to be investigated and revealed.<ref>Rav Elyashiv (Kovetz Teshuvot 4:136) writes that the principle of a mamzer that got mixed into a family does not need to be revealed and is permitted when it is in later generations unknown does not apply to non-Jews. A non-Jew women who married a Jew all the children are non-Jewish and can impact later generations. Rav Chaim Kanievsky (Ktzaruf Kesef p. 11 cited by R’ Yitzchaki cited below)  agreed. See [ Rav Yoel Amital]’s article in Hamaayan where he argues that the Dvar Yehoshua and Chazon Ish EH 1:18 think that it is applicable to non-Jews and [ Rav Dovid Yitzchaki] who argues that the Chazon Ish does not mean that.</ref>
#Many poskim hold that if an invalid conversion was performed, and the non-Jew married into a Jewish family and generations later it's unknown, that is a serious issue needs to be investigated and revealed.<ref>Rav Elyashiv (Kovetz Teshuvot 4:136) writes that the principle that a mamzer that got mixed into a family does not need to be revealed and is permitted when it is in later generations unknown (Kiddushin 71a) does not apply to non-Jews. Rav Chaim Kanievsky (Ktzaruf Kesef p. 11 cited by R’ Yitzchaki cited below)  agreed. See [ Rav Yoel Amital]’s article in Hamaayan where he argues that the Dvar Yehoshua and Chazon Ish EH 1:18 think that it is applicable to non-Jews.  Also see [ Rav Dovid Yitzchaki] who argues that the Chazon Ish does not mean that.</ref>
==Hatafat Dam Brit==
==Hatafat Dam Brit==
# A non-Jew who had a medical circumcision and know wants to become Jewish needs hatafat dam brit without a bracha.<ref>Shulchan Aruch Y.D. 268:1, Shach 268:2</ref>
# A non-Jew who had a medical circumcision and know wants to become Jewish needs hatafat dam brit without a bracha.<ref>Shulchan Aruch Y.D. 268:1, Shach 268:2</ref>