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==Who can be a Teacher==
==Who can be a Teacher==

#A single man can't be a teacher since he might become secluded with the mothers of the children he is teaching whether he is teaching girls or boys. <ref>Shulchan Aruch E.H. 22:20. See Pitchei Teshuva 22:13 who writes that some questioned the minhag to have a single man as a teacher.</ref> The minhag is to allow even a single man to teach and there's what to rely upon since in the school there are married teachers and it isn't yichud.<ref>Malbushei Mordechai Yichud 22:3 p. 239-240, Otzar Haposkim 22:57:2 quoting Marya Dachya, Dvar Halacha, and Avnei Tzedek who defend the minhag of having single men being a teacher. Avnei Tzedek explains that the minhag is relying on the opinion that the prohibition is entirely about yichud and if yichud is solved it is permitted. Dvar Halacha explains that the prohibition is because of causing himself to be overly involved with women. Nonetheless, that today if he works in another profession he's going to be involved with women even more, it is permitted. </ref> A married man can be a teacher even if he is another city.<ref>Chelkat Mechokek 22:21 states that even for a married man if the man's husband is outside the city it is a problem of yichud in case the mothers of the children come. Bet Shmuel 22:22 agrees. However, Pitchei Teshuva 22:13 cites Rabbi Akiva Eiger who cites Lechem Rav 4 who is lenient if the male teacher is married even if his wife is in another city.</ref>
#The Mishna states that a single man may not be a teacher since he might become secluded with the mothers of the children he is teaching, whether he is teaching girls or boys.<ref>Shulchan Aruch E.H. 22:20. See Pitchei Teshuva 22:13 who writes that some questioned the minhag to have a single man as a teacher.</ref> The minhag is to allow even a single man to teach and there's what to rely upon since in the school there are married teachers and it isn't yichud.<ref>Malbushei Mordechai Yichud 22:3 p. 239-240, Otzar Haposkim 22:57:2 quoting Marya Dachya, Dvar Halacha, and Avnei Tzedek who defend the minhag of having single men being a teacher. Avnei Tzedek explains that the minhag is relying on the opinion that the prohibition is entirely about yichud and if yichud is solved it is permitted. Dvar Halacha explains that the prohibition is because of causing himself to be overly involved with women. Nonetheless, that today if he works in another profession he's going to be involved with women even more, it is permitted. </ref> A married man can be a teacher even if he is another city.<ref>Chelkat Mechokek 22:21 states that even for a married man if the man's husband is outside the city it is a problem of yichud in case the mothers of the children come. Bet Shmuel 22:22 agrees. However, Pitchei Teshuva 22:13 cites Rabbi Akiva Eiger who cites Lechem Rav 4 who is lenient if the male teacher is married even if his wife is in another city.</ref>
# A young married man may teach woman as long as there is no yichud question,<ref>Shulchan Aruch E.H. 22:20</ref> however, it is pious and proper not to unless he is old.<ref>Sefer Chasidim 313 writes that a young man should not teach woman because of the concerns of attraction and kol b'isha ervah. Otzar Haposkim 22:61:4 quotes the Teshurat Shay 170 who writes that it is permitted for a married man to teach woman but one who is pious would avoid it as the Sefer Chasidim writes. Also they quote the Yavetz in Migdal Oz (Birchot Shamayim 2:11-12) who says the same and completely forbids it. Otzar Haposkim 21:20:2 also cites the Sfat Hameil OC 75 and Torat Hahistaklut 6:2 who elaborate on the Sefer Chasidim.</ref>
# A young married man may teach women as long as there is no yichud question,<ref>Shulchan Aruch E.H. 22:20</ref> however, it is pious and proper not to unless he is old.<ref>Sefer Chasidim 313 writes that a young man should not teach woman because of the concerns of attraction and kol b'isha ervah. Otzar Haposkim 22:61:4 quotes the Teshurat Shay 170 who writes that it is permitted for a married man to teach woman but one who is pious would avoid it as the Sefer Chasidim writes. Also they quote the Yavetz in Migdal Oz (Birchot Shamayim 2:11-12) who says the same and completely forbids it. Otzar Haposkim 21:20:2 also cites the Sfat Hameil OC 75 and Torat Hahistaklut 6:2 who elaborate on the Sefer Chasidim.</ref>
#A woman can't be a teacher since she might become secluded with the fathers of the children he is teaching whether he is teaching girls or boys.<ref>Shulchan Aruch E.H. 22:20</ref> Today the minhag is that there are female teachers.<ref>Avnei Derech 5:66 citing Shevet Halevi 4:16, 10:235 and Teshuvot Vehanhagot 5:332</ref> Some say that female teachers should not teach boys older than 9 years old.<ref>Igrot Moshe YD 3:73 writes that it is permitted to hire a female teacher for little children since there's no yichud in our schools which are open to the public. Also, for children under 9 there's no concern that she will become motivated to sin. However, with boys older than 9 there is a concern and she shouldn't be hired unless there is a great extenuating circumstance. Tzitz Eliezer 14:97 agrees that a female shouldn't teach boys above 9.</ref>
#A woman can't be a teacher since she might become secluded with the fathers of the children he is teaching whether he is teaching girls or boys.<ref>Shulchan Aruch E.H. 22:20</ref> Today the minhag is that there are female teachers.<ref>Avnei Derech 5:66 citing Shevet Halevi 4:16, 10:235 and Teshuvot Vehanhagot 5:332</ref> Some say that female teachers should not teach boys older than 9 years old.<ref>Igrot Moshe YD 3:73 writes that it is permitted to hire a female teacher for little children since there's no yichud in our schools which are open to the public. Also, for children under 9 there's no concern that she will become motivated to sin. However, with boys older than 9 there is a concern and she shouldn't be hired unless there is a great extenuating circumstance. Tzitz Eliezer 14:97 agrees that a female shouldn't teach boys above 9.</ref>
# There is a discussion about hiring a non-Jewish or irreligious teacher.<ref>See Shulchan Aruch E.H. 22:4 and Chachmat Adam 89:12</ref>
# There is a discussion about hiring a non-Jewish or irreligious teacher.<ref>See Shulchan Aruch E.H. 22:4 and Chachmat Adam 89:12</ref>
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