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#For example, if a chair broke, it may be fixed in an unskilled manner is the chair is needed for the holiday, however, if another chair could be used or a chair could be borrowed one shouldn’t fix the chair. Additionally, if it takes carpentry skills to fix the chair or it was broken before the holiday and could have been fixed then, one may not fix the chair.<ref>Hilchot Chol HaMoed Zichron Shlomo (pg 12) based on the principles of Tzorech HaMoed. </ref>
#For example, if a chair broke, it may be fixed in an unskilled manner is the chair is needed for the holiday, however, if another chair could be used or a chair could be borrowed one shouldn’t fix the chair. Additionally, if it takes carpentry skills to fix the chair or it was broken before the holiday and could have been fixed then, one may not fix the chair.<ref>Hilchot Chol HaMoed Zichron Shlomo (pg 12) based on the principles of Tzorech HaMoed. </ref>
#For example, it’s permissible to change a tire, jumpstart a car, or change it’s battery if the car will be used for festival purposes.<ref>Hilchot Chol HaMoed Zichron Shlomo (pg 15, 22) </ref> However, making other car repairs which require skilled work are forbidden to make (unless there’s a financial loss like having to leave your car on the road and having to return for it). <ref>Hilchot Chol HaMoed Zichron Shlomo (pg 23), Shemirat Shabbat KeHilchata 66:59, for further analysis see R’ Nebenzahl’s Yerushalayim BeMoadeha pp. 279-282..</ref>
#For example, it’s permissible to change a tire, jumpstart a car, or change it’s battery if the car will be used for festival purposes.<ref>Hilchot Chol HaMoed Zichron Shlomo (pg 15, 22) </ref> However, making other car repairs which require skilled work are forbidden to make (unless there’s a financial loss like having to leave your car on the road and having to return for it).<ref>Hilchot Chol HaMoed Zichron Shlomo (pg 23), Shemirat Shabbat KeHilchata 66:59, for further analysis see R’ Nebenzahl’s Yerushalayim BeMoadeha pp. 279-282. Chazon Ovadia p. 175 cited by Tiferet 536:4 permits doing melacha to fix a car only if it is maaseh hedyot. This fits the regular rules of tzorech hamoed. [However, Vayan Avraham 17 and Or Letzion 3:24:5 permit fixing the horse for riding even with a maaseh uman. Accordingly, Or Letzion seems to permit maaseh uman to fix a car on chol hamoed. (This opinion is seemingly very hard to justify.)] </ref>
#Purely preparatory actions are allowed, provided that they are necessary. Thus, washing a car’s windows  or getting gas are permitted. However, preparatory actions that are purposely delayed until Chol HaMoed may not be done on Chol HaMoed.<ref>S.A. 536:1. M.A. there quotes the Maharik that if this was done, the use of the item is forbidden. </ref>
#Purely preparatory actions are allowed, provided that they are necessary. Thus, washing a car’s windows  or getting gas are permitted. However, preparatory actions that are purposely delayed until Chol HaMoed may not be done on Chol HaMoed.<ref>S.A. 536:1. M.A. there quotes the Maharik that if this was done, the use of the item is forbidden. </ref>
#Washing or vacuuming the floor which is usually cleaned once or more times a week is permitted during Chol HaMoed.<ref>Minchat [[Yom Tov]] 104:2 writes that since it’s normal to wash the floor twice a week it’s permissible to wash the floors on Chol Hamoed even if it’s a excessive work, however, scrubbing the floor to remove dirt is forbidden as it involves a melacha and requires excessive effort. Hilchot Chol HaMoed Zichron Shlomo (pg 19) extends this to floors that are cleaned once a week, and permits vacuuming as well. </ref>
#Washing or vacuuming the floor which is usually cleaned once or more times a week is permitted during Chol HaMoed.<ref>Minchat [[Yom Tov]] 104:2 writes that since it’s normal to wash the floor twice a week it’s permissible to wash the floors on Chol Hamoed even if it’s a excessive work, however, scrubbing the floor to remove dirt is forbidden as it involves a melacha and requires excessive effort. Hilchot Chol HaMoed Zichron Shlomo (pg 19) extends this to floors that are cleaned once a week, and permits vacuuming as well. </ref>
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