
Chol HaMoed: Difference between revisions

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# Non-professional labor for communal needs is permitted even if the community will only benefit after the holiday<ref>Shulcan Aruch 544:2, Mishna Brurah 544:1</ref> and even if the benefit isn't a physical benefit, such as construction for a shul.<ref>Mishna Brurah 544:1, Rama 544:1</ref>
# Non-professional labor for communal needs is permitted even if the community will only benefit after the holiday<ref>Shulcan Aruch 544:2, Mishna Brurah 544:1</ref> and even if the benefit isn't a physical benefit, such as construction for a shul.<ref>Mishna Brurah 544:1, Rama 544:1</ref>
# Examples of communal needs include: fixing the streets, water aqueducts, marking graves, and fixing a mikveh.<ref>Moed Katan 2a, Shulchan Aruch 544:2. Mishna Brurah 544:4 clarifies that you can fix a mikveh only if it'll be completed on chol hamoed and be needed on the holiday otherwise it is forbidden since it involves professional labor.</ref>
# Examples of communal needs include: fixing the streets, water aqueducts, marking graves, and fixing a mikveh.<ref>Moed Katan 2a, Shulchan Aruch 544:2. Mishna Brurah 544:4 clarifies that you can fix a mikveh only if it'll be completed on chol hamoed and be needed on the holiday otherwise it is forbidden since it involves professional labor.</ref>
==Avoiding a Loss==
# Saving time isn’t considered dvar haaved.<ref>Chol Hamoed Kehilchato p. 286, Chazon Ovadia p. 196</ref>
# Doing a melacha on chol hamoed to save time for after the moed that he can use for learning and not doing the melacha will cause him bitul torah is not dvar haaved.<ref>Rav Moshe Feinstein (Hilchot Chol Hamoed Zichron Shlomo teshuva 19), Chol Hamoed Kehilchato p. 286, Chazon Ovadia p. 196</ref>

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