
From Halachipedia
  1. One should wash with a Bracha before eating the Matzah.[1] The Mishnah Berura explains that we wash again because it is likely that our hands have touched something dirty over the course of the Seder.[2]
  2. If one know that one watched one's hands and one didn't touch an area that requires Netilat Yadayim one should wash without a bracha. [3]
  3. If one is sure that one watched one’s hands from touching something that requires Netilat Yadayim then one should rewash before eating Matzah without a Bracha. According to Ashkenazim preferably one should cause oneself to need to wash one’s hands with a Bracha. [4]
  4. The Chatam Sofer had a minhag to have others wash his hands for him to symbolize freedom.[5]


  1. S”A 475:1
  2. M"B 475:1
  3. Chazon Ovadyah (pg 62)
  4. Beiur Halacha 475 s.v. Yitol. Halichot Shlomo 9:38 adds that Rav Shlomo Zalman would cause himself to require Netilat Yadayim with a Bracha.
  5. cited by Mikraeh Kodesh p. 283 n. 5