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{{Children and Prayer}}
#Once a child knows how to speak one should teach them to say the first pasuk of Shema. <ref>Mishna Brurah 70:7 notes that this does not have to be said in the proper time of shema </ref>
#A child of 6 or 7 should be taught to say the brachot of [[Kriyat Shema]], Shema,<ref>Mishna Brachot 20a says that children are exempt from reciting shema. Rashi explains that this refers to children that have reached the age of chinuch. Rabbenu Tam argues that this refers to children that have not reached the age of chinuch, but once they have reached the age of chinuch, they should be taught to say shema. Shulchan Aruch 70:2 quotes both opinions and says it is appropriate to be strict like Rabbenu Tam.
M.B. 70:6 notes that this means one should train the child to recite shema at the proper time with all the brachot</ref> and [[Shmoneh Esrei]]. <ref>[[Tefillah]] KeHilchata 1:12-13. M.B. 106:5 says this means shachrit and mincha. Rav Simcha Bunim Cohen (Children in Halacha page 19) says that the custom is not to train children to daven mariv. </ref>
##If a child cannot pray the entire prayer, the order or priority is Shemoneh Esrei, Kriyat Shema, Birchot Hashachar, and then P'seukei D'zimra.<ref>Rav Simcha Bunim Cohen (Children in Halacha page 19) quotes Chinuch Yisroel page 77</ref>
##A child can eat before Shmoneh Esrei in the morning.<ref>M.B. 106:5</ref>
#One should teach one's small children to answer [[Amen]] because once a child answers [[Amen]] it has a place in Olam Haba. <ref>Rama 124:7 </ref>
#There is a chinuch for a child to daven in a minyan but davening in a group of ten children isn't considered a minyan at all even for chinuch.<ref>Rav Soloveitchik (Nefesh Harav p. 113) explained that for chinuch it needs to be a halachically valid structure for the chinuch to be effective (Ritva Sukkah 2b).
Rav Moshe Feinstein (Igrot Moshe O.C. 2:98) says that one must stop children if they are doing dvarim shebikdusha with a minyan of children as that is prohibited. </ref>
#Regarding children performing Birkat Cohanim see [[Birkat_Cohanim#Upon_whom_is_the_mitzvah_of_Birkat_Cohanim.3F|Birkat Cohanim]].

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