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[[Image:Newspaper.jpg|right|200px]]There are certain reading materials that chazal prohibited one from reading on shabbat, either because they were concerned that one might come to erase (and thereby violate the melacha of [[mochek]]), or because they are inappropriate for the holy atmosphere of the day. This broad category of prohibited reading is referred to as shtarei hedyotot.
# There are really 3 distinct categories of prohibited reading on shabbat:
## Shtarei hedyotot (lit: documents of the masses)<ref>The gemara shabbat 116b cites a beraita in which Rebbe Nechemya states that one is prohibited from reading even sefer ketuvim on shabbat lest one come to read shtarei hedyotot. </ref>
### Some say that this refers to business documents only.<ref>There is quite a range of opinions regarding what exactly classifies under the category of "shtarei hedyotot" (lit: documents of the masses). Rashi on shabbat 149a implies that they are business documents (של מקח וממכר), which would be very reasonable why chazal prohibited reading them on shabbat. Shabbat is not meant to be a day of conducting business or even of looking into one's business affairs. However, Rashi on shabbat 116b implies that this category also includes letters that don't seem to have any business connection whatsoever (אגרות השלוחות למצוא חפץ). Tosfot 116b (s.v. v'kol sheken) seems to understand that Rashi initially thought the category was more expansive (rashi 166b), but then retracted this position to limit shtarei hedyotot to business documents (rashi 149b). Either way, the Ri cited in tosfot clearly takes the position that only business documents are included in the prohibition of shtarei hedyotot.</ref>
### Others say that this category is more expansive.
## Guest lists and Menus<ref>The mishna shabbat 148b says that one may not read a guest list or menu. The gemara 149a cites a debate whether the concern is that one will come to erase some names, or whether one will come to read "shtarei hedyotot". The Shulchan Aruch 307:12 paskens this gemara. We are concerned for both opinions in the gemara, and therefore the only permitted way to read such a list is to engrave it in a wall, since this is difficult to erase (so no concern of שמא ימחוק) and also not easily confused with a document (so no concern of שמא יקרא בשטרי הדיוטות).</ref>
## Captions to Pictures
# It is a debate amongst the rishonim how to extrapolate from these 3 categories to other types of reading.
## Some prohibit all secular reading, and only reading Torah content.
## Others are much more permissive in their approach.
==Permitted reading on Shabbat==
==Permitted reading on Shabbat==
# It is permitted to look at a synagogue member's list and read from it in order to check whose turn it is to receive the honor of reading the Torah.<ref> Yalkut Yosef 307.5 </ref>
# It is permitted to look at a synagogue member's list and read from it in order to check whose turn it is to receive the honor of reading the Torah.<ref> Yalkut Yosef 307.5 </ref>
