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===Two Challahs===
===Two Challahs===

#According to Sephardim, one should be careful to have two whole loaves of bread for [[Lechem Mishneh]] at seudat shelishit.<ref>Shulchan Aruch 291:4, based on Rambam [[Shabbat]] 30:9. This is based on the gemara shabbat 117b, in which rebbe abba states that a person is obligated to make hamotzi on two loaves of bread on shabbat, since the pasuk by the manna describes how on Friday in the desert, bnei yisroel would collect "לחם משנה" (lit: a double portion). The Aruch Hashulchan 291:11 points out that the gemara doesn't specify which meal on shabbat it is referring to, and thus presumably refers to all three of them. Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 77:17 simply writes that one should have [[Lechem Mishneh]] for all three meals of [[Shabbat]].</ref> However, according to Ashkenazim, it's preferable to have two whole loaves, but it's sufficient to have just one whole loaf.<ref>Rama 291:4. The Tur (siman 291) quotes the Yerushalmi and Mechilta that an omer of manna provided enough for two loaves, and so if 2 omers fell on Friday, this provided enough for 4 loaves. They would eat 1 of them Friday morning, 1 Friday night (at the shabbat seuda), and 1 more at the seuda shabbat day. This left only 1 loaf left for seuda shlishit, thus proving that one does not need lechem mishnah for seuda shlishit. The Beit yosef cites this as the position of the Shibolei Haleket as well. However, he cites numerous rishonim who disagreed and ideally required two loaves at seuda shlishit as well, including the Mordechai, Rabbenu Yerucham, Maggid Mishnah, teshuvot attributed to the Ramban, and Maharam. Hence, the psak of the Rama that ideally one should have lechem mishnah, despite the common minhag being to have only one. </ref>
#According to Sephardim, one should be careful to have two whole loaves of bread for [[Lechem Mishneh]] at seuda shelishit.<ref>Shulchan Aruch 291:4, based on Rambam [[Shabbat]] 30:9. This is based on the gemara shabbat 117b, in which rebbe abba states that a person is obligated to make hamotzi on two loaves of bread on shabbat, since the pasuk by the manna describes how on Friday in the desert, bnei yisroel would collect "לחם משנה" (lit: a double portion). The Aruch Hashulchan 291:11 points out that the gemara doesn't specify which meal on shabbat it is referring to, and thus presumably refers to all three of them. Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 77:17 simply writes that one should have [[Lechem Mishneh]] for all three meals of [[Shabbat]].</ref> However, according to Ashkenazim, it's preferable to have two whole loaves, but it's sufficient to have just one whole loaf.<ref>Rama 291:4. The Tur (siman 291) quotes the Yerushalmi and Mechilta that an omer of manna provided enough for two loaves, and so if 2 omers fell on Friday, this provided enough for 4 loaves. They would eat 1 of them Friday morning, 1 Friday night (at the shabbat seuda), and 1 more at the seuda shabbat day. This left only 1 loaf left for seuda shlishit, thus proving that one does not need lechem mishnah for seuda shlishit. The Beit yosef cites this as the position of the Shibolei Haleket as well. However, he cites numerous rishonim who disagreed and ideally required two loaves at seuda shlishit as well, including the Mordechai, Rabbenu Yerucham, Maggid Mishnah, teshuvot attributed to the Ramban, and Maharam. Hence, the psak of the Rama that ideally one should have lechem mishnah, despite the common minhag being to have only one. </ref>
#If one only has one whole loaf of bread and a broken piece, one should use the whole one for seuda shelishit instead of saving it for [[Melava Malka]].<ref>Beiur Halacha 291 s.v. VeLePachot </ref>
#If one only has one whole loaf of bread and a broken piece, one should use the whole one for seuda shelishit instead of saving it for [[Melava Malka]].<ref>Beiur Halacha 291 s.v. VeLePachot </ref>

