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Gemara [[Shabbat]] (118a) says you can wash dinner and lunch dishes because you need it for the next meal, but you can’t wash dishes from seudat shlishit because that’s preparing for after [[Shabbat]].<ref> Shulchan Aruch 323:6 </ref>
[[Hachana- Preparing for after Shabbat|Hachana]] is the prohibition of preparing from one [[Shabbat]] or [[Yom Tov]] to a weekday, or to another [[Shabbat]] or [[Yom Tov]]. Based on this consideration, perhaps washing the toothbrush (after brushing) in order to clean it for the next day should be prohibited.
* Therefore, some say washing the toothbrush for the next day may be this same problem.<ref>39 Melachos (vol 2, pg 373)</ref>
* Rav Ovadia, Rav Moshe, Chacham Benzion Abba Shaul all agree that washing the brush after would be asur.<ref> Iggerot Moshe 1:112, Yabia Omer 4:30, Or Litzion 2:253 </ref>
# Rav Ovadia, Rav Moshe, and Chacham Benzion Abba Shaul all agree that this would violate hachana.<ref> Iggerot Moshe 1:112, Yabia Omer 4:30, Or Litzion 2:253. See also 39 Melachos (vol 2, pg 373).  </ref>
* Rav Shlomo Zalman (28:81) says if you normally do something, and its no tircha you can do it on [[Shabbat]], even if theres a benefit for the next day as long as you don’t specifically say its for the next day.<ref> Shmirat [[Shabbat]] Kihilchitah 28:81(For example: you can bring your tallet home after shul, you can put a sefer back in its place, put a bottle of water back in the fridge) This can also be applied to a toothbrush (This point is raised by Yalkut Yosef 326: 27) although he disagrees. </ref>
# Rav Shlomo Zalman thinks there is no hachana issue here.<ref> Shmirat [[Shabbat]] Kihilchitah 28:81 cites from Rav Shlomo Zalmen that if you normally do something as part of normal usage of an object, and that thing involves no tircha (difficulty), then you can do it on [[Shabbat]] even if there's a benefit for the next day, as long as you don’t specifically say that you are doing it for the next day. For example: you can bring your tallit home after shul; you can put a sefer back in its place after learning from it; you can put a bottle of water back in the fridge if you are done drinking. This can also be applied to a toothbrush in order to be lenient (this point is raised by Yalkut Yosef 326: 27, although he disagrees). </ref>
* Rav Schachter also allows this because people don’t clean it to have it clean for after [[Shabbat]] but because people don’t want dirty toothbrushes [[lying]] around.<ref> Quoted by   [ Rabbi Aryeh Leibowitz in an article on]. This is based on a psak by Mishna Brurah 302:19 which allows one to make one's bed on [[Shabbat]] for the same reason. </ref>
## Rav Schachter also allows cleaning the toothbrush after use.<ref> Quoted by [ Rabbi Aryeh Leibowitz in an article on]. He reasons that people don’t rinse their toothbrush in order to have it clean for when they next use it after [[Shabbat|Shabbat,]] but rather  because they don’t want dirty toothbrushes lying around. This is based on a psak by Mishna Brurah 302:19, which allows one to make one's bed on [[Shabbat]] for the same reason. </ref>

==Halachic Summary==
==Halachic Summary==
