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#A parent and/or teacher should generally be careful not to be excessively forceful. There are several cases where Talmudic personalities praised their behavior of not being "makpid"(strict) in their home over their wives and children even though they lived a life filled with mitzvot <ref>Gitin 7a</ref>
#A parent and/or teacher should generally be careful not to be excessively forceful. There are several cases where Talmudic personalities praised their behavior of not being "makpid"(strict) in their home over their wives and children even though they lived a life filled with mitzvot <ref>Gitin 7a</ref>
#The gedolim have all agreed that hitting children in the name of chinuch is forbidden.<ref>Rav Wolbe in Biyan Uzeriya Bechinuch. Rav Kook in Ayn Ayah Brachot 7a:70</ref>
#The gedolim have all agreed that hitting children in the name of chinuch is forbidden.<ref>Rav Wolbe in Biyan Uzeriya Bechinuch. Rav Kook in Ayn Ayah Brachot 7a:70</ref>
==Teaching a Child to Swim==
# There is no technical obligation for a parent to teach his children how to swim.<ref>There is an opinion in Kiddushin 29a that a father must teach his son how to swim. However, Rambam and Shulchan Aruch do not codify this opinion. Rav Chaim Kanievsky (Halichot Chaim p. 173) rules that according to the halacha there's no such obligation to teach a child to swim.</ref>

==Feeding a Child Something Forbidden==
==Feeding a Child Something Forbidden==
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