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== Number of Knots ==
== Number of Knots ==

# Rava states that after each chuliya (group of at least 3 windings) it is necessary to have a knot.<ref>Menachot 38b</ref> It is accepted and codified by the rishonim and poskim.<ref>The statement of Rava is codified as the halacha by Tosfot (Menachot 39a s.v. lo), Rosh (Hilchot Tzitzit n. 15), Mordechai (Menachot 38b s.v. amar rava), Eshkol (Hilchot Tzitzit 79a), Baal Haitur (Hilchot Tzitzit 68c), Rabbenu Yerucham (19:3, 169b), Bet Yosef 11:14, Prisha 11:21. Tosfot and Rosh write that nowadays we're not careful about following Rava since we don't have techelet. But they clearly imply for someone trying to tie tzitzit with techelet they should follow Rava. </ref> Even though Rambam doesn't quote this statement, Rav Yosef Karo, author of Shulchan Aruch, writes that he agrees to it.<ref>Bet Yosef 11:14</ref> Other poskim<ref>Malbim ([ Artzot Hachaim 11:82]), [ Shulchan Gavoha 11:30], [ Olat Yitzchak 1:4:1]. However, the [ Radziner Rebbe (Ptil Techelet p. 116)] argues that Rambam does not hold like Rava since he left his statement out of the halacha.</ref> agree. This contention is supported by the Rambam's words in a letter.<ref>Teshuvat Harambam (Blau edition 138)</ref>
# Rava states that after each chuliya (group of at least 3 windings) it is necessary to have a knot.<ref>Menachot 38b</ref> It is accepted and codified by the rishonim and poskim.<ref>The statement of Rava is codified as the halacha by Tosfot (Menachot 39a s.v. lo), Rosh (Hilchot Tzitzit n. 15), Mordechai (Menachot 38b s.v. amar rava), Eshkol (Hilchot Tzitzit 79a), Baal Haitur (Hilchot Tzitzit 68c), Rabbenu Yerucham (19:3, 169b), Bet Yosef 11:14, Prisha 11:21. Tosfot and Rosh write that nowadays we're not careful about following Rava since we don't have techelet. But they clearly imply for someone trying to tie tzitzit with techelet they should follow Rava. </ref> Even though Rambam doesn't quote this statement, Rav Yosef Karo, author of Shulchan Aruch, writes that he agrees to it.<ref>Bet Yosef 11:14</ref> Other poskim<ref>Gra 11:14, Malbim ([ Artzot Hachaim 11:82]), [ Shulchan Gavoha 11:30], [ Olat Yitzchak 1:4:1]. However, the [ Radziner Rebbe (Ptil Techelet p. 116)] argues that Rambam does not hold like Rava since he left his statement out of the halacha.</ref> agree. This approach is also supported by the Rambam's own words in a letter<ref>Teshuvat Harambam (Blau edition 138)</ref> and that of his son, Rav Avraham ben Harambam.<ref>Halacha section of Hamaspik Lovdei Hashe (v. 2 p. 272 Dana edition, cited by Vehaya Lachem Ltzitzit v. 7 p. 28)</ref>

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